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Join our League

Come play the BEST recreational soccer in South Florida!


    Refundable Application Fee + Refundable Performance Bond
    • FYSA Affiliated Clubs ONLY
    • Recreational Teams ONLY
    • Recreationally Carded Players ONLY
  • Annual Club Fee

    Each GHSL club pays this fee once per year
    • League Membership
    • League Meetings
    • Your Club Representation
  • Per Team Fee

    Seasonal Team fee
    • Declare a team
    • Division Placement and Scheduling
    • Playoffs and Awards

ALL CLUB FEES ARE DUE AT the 1st MEETING for the season, and all open balances are late 30 days from posting.

fines and suspensions

​Clubs can pay suspension fees and fines online with a credit card via Square Credit Card processing:

  • (OLD) Direct link to Square credit card processing is:

  • For clubs that hold the suspended party accountable for their actions, anyone can make a payment for the open fines and fees.


We still accept checks to the treasurer, but online payment will update suspension and fine records faster, allowing a return to participation where appropriate.


Individual Coaching Fines are DUE before resuming coaching. Coaching with open FINES may cause additional suspension and new fines to be added.


We are in the process of testing a new payment platform. The square-up links will be removed by the Spring Season. Please use it instead of the above and send any feedback. Thanks.




Click to DOWNLOAD Fines and Suspensions as a PDF File

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