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Red cards, fines and suspensions

ALL CLUB FEES ARE DUE AT the 1st MEETING for the season, and all open balances are late 30 days from posting.


​Clubs can pay suspension fees and fines online with a credit card via Square Credit Card Processing:

(For clubs that hold the suspended party accountable for their actions, anyone can make a payment for the open fines and fees.)


Online payment updates suspensions and fines records faster, allowing a return to participation where appropriate.


Individual Coaching Fines are DUE before resuming coaching. Coaching with open FINES may cause additional suspension and new fines to be added.​​




So you were

shown a
Red Card ...


If you are a Player or Coach who received a Red Card or suspension follow these steps:


  1. Report the Red Card to your club.

  2. Print the Red Card Completion form.

  3. Pay any fine assessed online through GotSport (see button on this page). This is setup as a form with a fee (links below).

  4. Serve the card at your next FYSA game(s) on the team it was received and have the completion form signed by the Official.

  5. Your Team Manager, Coach or you send a scan or photo of the form to

  6. Before your next game have your Coach/Team Manager verify that you are no longer redlined on the roster.


  • Suspensions must be served on the same team with which the card was received.


  • Suspensions may be served during an FYSA sanctioned tournament.


  • Players serving cards are not permitted to play in any FYSA event while under suspension, but may serve the cards during those events. A player may be included on the roster for a tournament, sit on the bench, and serve the suspension.


When a red card is entered, players and coaches are automatically suspended. The GHSL VP then reviews the suspension and makes any needed adjustments.


Discipline Report

Find players and coaches serving Red Cards and their status below. 


Reporting and Serving

When a red card is issued during a match, it must be reported. The center referee, home team, and away team are responsible for sending in their report. We also ask that red cards be reported along with entering the score.



Pay fines through GotSport using the buttons below. (coming soon)


Managers and Coaches Reporting Red Cards

When entering the score, please add red cards given and upload the match card showing the referee’s entry.


Red Cards should also be reported by sending an email to by attaching the match report if you have a copy.


Suspension Length

Suspensions follow FYSA Rules section 502.






Red Card Discipline Report - Fall 2024

Scroll right for the full table. or DOWNLOAD AS PDF FILE


Red Card Discipline Report - SPRING 2024 and older

Scroll right for the full table.


Please direct all general questions about our league to Tom and Brian


New FYSA-affiliated clubs looking to join our League, fill out the contact form. Remember we are a Recreational League for Recreational Teams!


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© 2024 GHSL

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